
Your path to inner growth and holistic well-being

Hello, how nice that you are here!
I am Lea, a qualified physiotherapist, Bobath therapist (neurology), mentor for development and growth and expert in female leadership. My life path has always been characterized by the search for my true identity and the pursuit of a fulfilling life. But the path to get there was anything but straightforward.
Engaging in the women's group has consistently been a weekly highlight for me – a cherished time to reconnect with myself, dear friends, and a supportive community. These gatherings serve as a foundation for rejuvenation during challenging times and provide solace when I was facing significant life changes. I am deeply grateful to Lea and all the amazing women in the group for creating moments that contribute to healing and growth.​
I love attending sessions held by Léa.It helps me to deeply reconnect with myself, to discover how the body feels the emotions and to deal with them. Her singular voice is exceptional to focus during the guided meditations. If you have the chance to experiment a session in the nature, it is even better.
The Women’s Circle has been a constant source of strength, friendship
and self-care, that has made all the difference in the turbulent times
after covid lockdowns, becoming a mother, moving countries and
struggling to find a place in the world. It is the perfect combination
of connecting to the body, the individual self, and both giving and
taking support from the other women there. Lea is the centre of the
circle that makes this possible.
I believe we are all born with the same energy and knowledge, we just need someone to waken it up and remind us what we know about our truth. And that is what I feel we are doing when I’m there with you in our circle.. you guide me to find this knowledge.